Friday, November 25, 2011

Teeth Whitening Gone Wrong

A dentist who really knows his stuff would not suggest traditional bleaching treatments for those with calcium deposits; instead, he or she would recommend bonding or even full porcelain laminate veneers to provide permanent and visually appealing results.

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To avoid teeth whitening gone wrong in your own oral cavity, be sure to consult a truly professional dentist before you attempt any coloration alterations on your own.

3. Repeat Issues: Some people's teeth are overly prone to staining, or their lifestyles make repeat staining impossible to avoid. Soft enamel or various physical conditions can cause regular yellowing of dental surfaces, causing understandable grievances after money has been spent on teeth whitening. Some lifestyle choices, such as constant coffee or dark soda consumption, can be avoided, or their impacts on tooth coloring can be lessened by the use of drinking straws.

In case you didn't know, all these problems can occur with low-grade products or amateur application of teeth whitening treatments.

2. Uneven Coloring: Some people have calcium deposits on their teeth that take the form of bright white spots. Rather than evening out the coloring, teeth whitening treatments will probably brighten all the shades invo *** ed, causing the calcium deposits to become even brighter, resisting the desired effect of uniform tooth coloration.

Another common culprit is cigarette smoking; the tooth-discoloring impact of this habit can be all-but eliminated by the use of various lengths of cigarette holders. These accessories can also be considered classy, as they were popularized by Audrey Hepburn - the epitome of the classy lady - in the classic film Breakfast at Tiffany's.

To prevent appearance of additional calcium deposits, you should maintain a healthy diet and dental hygiene while attending annual routine checkups with your dentist. Additional safeguards include using a motorized tooth brush and tooth paste that includes baking soda or peroxide. You can also ask your dentist about fluoride treatments during your regularly scheduled checkups.

1. Too White & Bright: When people look as if they have a powerful lamp emanating from behind their pearly whites, it's clear that teeth can take on an overly extreme appearance of whiteness. A true professional will consider a person's complexion and natural coloring of unstained tooth surfaces before recommending treatment. In addition, a progressive whitening process - consisting of several professional treatments over time - will help ensure that a person's pearly whites do not become whitened to a jarring extreme.

You've probably seen examples of teeth whitening gone wrong. This kind of unsightly dental faux pas can come with home treatments as well as so-called "professional" dentistry. With the right products and truly professional dental care, these issues can be corrected or - better yet - avoided in the first place!

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